Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jonas Kaufmann

Jonas Kaufmann, the REALLY hot German tenor, never takes his shirt off. However, as we can see from the above picture, he has a great body! So here are some pictures of Kaufmann, the closest we've got to him being compeletely shirtless! 
From Carmen, Fidelio, Konigskinder, and Idomeneo.


tcarstetter said...

What a felicitious delight! I, too am 17 years old and am blogging about exceedingly and overwhelmingly handsome and alluring opera singers, part. baritones. I find your staggeringly impressive , to say the very least! I would be extremely honored if you perhaps visited my blog and left a comment on any posts you find interesting. Thank you for blogging about this particular subject.

Anonymous said...

Well, check out the new Met "Parsifal" -- Jonas is really shirtless now.

Unknown said...

We are casting a film about a couple of opera singers ... Do you have any suggestions for a baritone who is sexy and can act?